MMA SCHOOLS IN North Carolina
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MMA SCHOOLS IN North Carolina
- Benson - TFTC academy
- Charlotte - Fight to Win Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
- Charlotte - Gracie Barra – Charlotte
- Charlotte - Ultimate gym
- Clayton - TFTC academy
- Cornelius - Crossface MMA
- Durham - Saunders Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
- Durham - Triangle Jiu-Jitsu academy
- Fayetteville - Team R.O.C.
- Gastonia - Gastonia Krav Maga classes
- Goldsboro - Triangle Jiu-Jitsu academy
- Greensboro - Octagon MMA & Krav Maga
- Greenville - All-American Martial Arts academy
- Harrisburg - Integrated Martial Arts
- Harrisburg - MA training institute
- High Point - Evolution Fight academy
- High Point - Living Defense Martial Arts
- Huntersville - MA training institute
- Marshall - Full Circle Martial Arts
- Morrisville - Sommai Muay Thai academy
- Spring Lake - Gracie Barra – Spring Lake
- Wake Forest - Pendergrass BJJ academy
- Waynesville - Basulto Academy of Defense
- Winston-Salem - United Tae Kwon Do academy
- Wrightsville Beach - Evolution MMA academy